
« Le Concert » est né avant 1759 à Beauvais.
professionnels et amateurs rassemblés afin de former aux métiers d'orchestre ... en concert.
c’est un son, une couleur au service de la Musique.

Le Concert

Un ensemble original qui, en formant aux métiers d'orchestre en concert,
  • " a acquis un sacré métier"  (Thierry Pélicant)
  • " est capable de produire un miracle en concert " (Michel Giboureau)
  • " se donne à 200 % en concert " (Frédéric Visconte)
  • avec " exigence et sérieux inconditionnels " (Emmanuelle Bertrand)
Training in orchestral professions ... in concert.

This is the essential mission that the Orchestra took shape in 1987, in harmony with its historical traditions, that which was then entrusted to it by the General Council of the Oise and which it renewed in 2005. C '' is a training course provided by professional musician desk leaders under the guidance of the Conductor, himself a professional artist, punctually assisted by Internship Masters whose presence had been permanent until 2006 and who played a role important in transmitting the experience of the biggest orchestras. But this is not theoretical training, nor even a succession of orchestral internships ending in a single concert. No, rehearsals and courses are linked all year round to lead to a series of concerts in which the Orchestra submits to the appreciation of a demanding audience like all orchestras in the world. The concert and the succession of concerts are an integral part of the training, which continues as long as the "trainee" wishes, free of charge.

The learning that the Oise Philharmonic Orchestra develops is as much intended for the amateur who wishes to acquire a solid practice or to progress there, as for the young musician who aspires to embark on a professional career. Some of its former trainees have also become high-level musicians and their testimony constitutes real recognition for the learning model set up by the Oise Philharmonic Orchestra now 25 years ago and which appears at in many ways innovative when we see that leading symphony orchestras are more and more numerous to set up learning devices under the name of "orchestra academy" to welcome young musicians into their midst. carrier start.

But the model put in place not only trains musicians in orchestral professions, it also forges a real orchestra, with its own sound and color, a musical level that has constantly progressed during these 25 years and continues to do so. His level allows him to give a true interpretation and not a simple execution of the works of his repertoire, and allows him to be appreciated by very high level soloists ... and his public. It is even an essential condition for it to be able to properly fulfill its second major mission: to carry music everywhere on the territory of the Oise.
Make sure that music can be brought everywhere in the department and open to everyone.

This is not how its second major mission is worded, but this is what the General Council of the Oise implicitly led the Orchestra in 2005 asking it to bring the greatest number of Isarians to the discovery of classical music by organizing at least 10 concerts per year in the department. Indeed, if carrying music everywhere in the department has always been in the philosophy of the Orchestra since 1987, what the Oise General Council demanded in 2005 was more demanding, in fact led the Orchestra to have to prove its useful to the cultural policy of the department and induced more openness. The traditional symphonic concerts were obviously not enough and were not always the appropriate means, both for reasons of the size of the places of reception and for budgetary reasons. While never losing sight of its objective of giving as many concerts as possible of its symphonic formation, the Orchestra has therefore developed its activity along two axes which have enabled it to achieve these objectives and to multiply its performances:

• The concerts of its soloist formations
• Public rehearsals worn throughout the department
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